Visualisation of Cutaneous Inflammation
Principal Investigator
Jennifer Hundt, Prof. Dr. med. vet. habil.
Scientific Coordinators
Marieke Höhn, Dr. rer. nat.
Laura Kirchhoff, Dr. rer. nat.
Henriette Mühlmann
PhD Students
Maja Grote, M. Sc.
Veronika Hartmann, M. Sc.
Sarah Stenger, M. Sc.
Tasja Romina Stilla, M. Sc.
Medical Doctors
Linh Ha-Wissel, M. Sc., Dr. med.
Medical Students
Lennart Gooß, Cand. med.
Marie Jaboreck, Cand. med.
Master Students
Bachelor Students
Lara Bestert
Natalie Grillo
Anna Limberg
Visiting Scientists
Baraa Al-Sheakly, M. Sc.
Valéria Bumiller-Bini Hoch, M. Sc.
Jack Cutting, Cand. M. Sc.
Noha Elemam, Dr. rer. hum. biol.
Luna Gao, Cand. B. Sc.
Bariaa Khalil, M.Sc.
Leo Li
Paige McKenzie, B. Sc.
Jade Pastor, B.Sc.
Valerie Wang, B. Sc.
Sylva Bruhns
Nadine Merg
Project Assistant
Sina Jäschke
Student Assistants
Luisa Mahlow
Katja Corrigeux
Nora Schoell
Victor Hudon-Bergmaier
Contact and Address
University of Lübeck
Lübeck Institute of Experimental Dermatology
Building 32
Ratzeburger Allee 160
23562 Lübeck
Phone: +49 (0)451 500 80810
Email: jennifer.hundt(at)